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Type of Set Top Box - Amount to be paid by Subscriber
SD Set Top Box Rs. 1,050/-
HD Set Top Box Rs. 1,300/-
*Above rates are inclusive of taxes
Guarantee/ Warranty Term - Warranty on all STBs is twelve (12) months.
Maintenance provisions of CPE - No repair and maintenance charges shall be payable by the subscriber during the warranty period, provided STB has been used in normal working conditions and is not tampered with. During the warranty period the STB will be repaired or replaced within 24 hoursofreceipt of thesubscribers complaint. After the warranty period expires, UMBRELLA shall offer the subscriber an Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) on optional basis for Rs. 350/- excluding applicable taxes per annum. In case the subscriber chooses not to avail the said offer, the Company reserves the right to charge the subscriber for the repairs as per the rates to be announced by the Company from time to time.
Price - The Company reserves the right to change the price of the STB from time to time.
Ownership - Ownership of the STB under this scheme vests with subscriber.
Installation and Activation - The Company would charge one time installation fee of Rs. 150 (exclusive of taxes) and one time activation fee of Rs. 50 (exclusive of taxes) per STB under this scheme. Any extra remote for STB would be given on payment of Rs. 100/- (excluding applicable taxes, if any) per remote.
Relocation - In case subscriber requests for relocation of his connection from one location to another, it shall be in accordance with Regulation 14 of The Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable) Services Standards of Quality of Service and Consumer Protection (Addressable Systems) Regulations, 2017.
Temporary Suspension - In case of temporary suspension of broadcasting services related to television on request from a subscriber, it shall be in accordance with Regulation 12 of The Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable) Services Standards of Quality of Service and Consumer Protection (Addressable Systems) Regulations, 2017.
CPE Schemes Scheme type, CPE price, and other terms and conditions
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