Important Notice for Umbrella Cable Customers
Pursuant to "THE TELECOMMUNICATION (BROADCASTING AND CABLE) SERVICES (EIGHTH) (ADDRESSABLE SYSTEMS) TARIFF (SECOND AMENDMENT) ORDER, 2020 (No. 1 of 2020) of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), Customers will have to pay for the Pay Channels and Network Capacity Fee (NCF) as mentioned below:
*Pay Rs. 130 /- only as Network Capacity Fee (NCF) for receiving upto initial 200 SD Channels.(taxes extra) to the first TV connection. Every HD channel subscribed to will count as 2 SD channels
* Pay Rs. 130 /- only as Network Capacity Fee (NCF) for receiving more than 200 SD channels subscribed to. (taxes extra) to the first TV connection. Every HD channel subscribed to will count as 2 SD channels
* Network Capacity Fee, per month for each additional TV connection, beyond the first TV connection in a multi TV home shall be forty per cent of the Network Capacity Fee of the Parent STB. The STB with maximum number of channels would be treated as Parent STB
* The television channels notified by the Central Government shall be mandatorily available to all the subscribers and shall be in addition to the number of channels available in the network capacity fee
* Pay Distributor Retail Price (DRP) as published by UMBRELLA for pay channels or bouquets as per your choice (taxes extra)
* Enjoy the freedom to choose your favourite channels or bouquet
* Maximum Retail Price of each channel (exclusive of applicable taxes) will be displayed on EPG as seen on your TV screen
* All package pricing is per Set Top Box (STB) per month. Goods and Service Tax (GST) is payable by Subscriber as applicable
* For additional information and MRP of pay channels please refer to respective broadcasters website and the CONSUMER INFO Channel in LCN - 999